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Cord Cutting Meditation -January 2025 Activation

By Ashley Paré - January 27, 2025

Tune into this meditation if you’d like to clear yourself from any old, painful, or lingering “energetic cords” that are keeping you stuck in the past or draining your energy.  You can use this exercise to release you from any person, situation, or image that’s causing you upset or fear.

This energetic clearing allows space for forgiveness, gratitude and clarity on your next step forward.  Bring a journal, water, and headphones as you tune in for 20 minutes where you won’t be disturbed.  Let yourself be freed of what’s no longer serving your highest good!  You can release the vibrational patterns of the past.

This meditation was recorded as part of the Monthly Meditation Activation series: Thirty Minutes of Thanks, January 2025.  Join us monthly on the Third Thursday of the month at 12pm ET for free meditation activations:  Google Invite