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I want nothing more than for you to own your inherent worthiness, step into your authentic power, and build a successful life, business, and career on your own terms. I know what it feels like to be under valued and overworked, afraid to speak my truth for fear of potential negative consequences. The courage to face my fear and failures has given me my greatest lesson and gift. I’ve transformed what was truly holding me back from reaching my highest potential: my self-limiting belief that I was not enough. And you can too.
The Latest Posts, Podcasts & Interviews

How Your Relationship with Money is Costing You Your Dreams
You sit down to review your finances, feeling a sense of dread creeping in. You’ve been diligent, tracking every penny and scrimping where you can, but the numbers don’t lie. The dream of starting your own business seems just as far away as it did a year ago.

A Managers Guide to Effective Feedback
Consistent and continuous feedback creates the foundation of success between employees, managers, and the business. But, why do development conversations often happen in a black box, once per year? For one thing, it takes time to effectively prepare for and deliver feedback. Leverage this workbook to guide yourself, your team, or your manager into effective feedback discussions built on trust.

We all get stuck. Whether it’s our business, career, or personal life, feeling stuck shows up as exhaustion, avoidance, and uncertainty about our next steps. We often feel decision fatigued and paralyzed to choose. Feeling stuck can lead to us being extra hard on ourselves, creating a swirl of shame, blame, or self-doubt. Many of my clients come to me at this exact moment; when they’ve tried things on their own, without success, and they lack clarity on the next step to take in their career that will leave them feeling aligned and recognized.
Have Your Cake & Negotiate Too
Ready to own your worth? You can have your cake and negotiate too! Tune in to hear my 3 steps for embracing your true value and creating the fulfilling career and life you envision.