Join Ashley Paré for free monthly meditation activations to reactive your sense of peace, joy and self-worth. Come and Own Your Worth®
Are you fully open to receiving all that you desire and deserve? Or, are you living from a (subconscious) place where you’re holding it at bay? This is the question I’m inviting you to explore with me in my free monthly meditation activations!
The first step in giving and receiving more of what you truly desire is owning your worth.
So, what does “Own Your Worth®” really mean?
This is my calling. To help you know, feel, and own your worth. From the inside out.
By letting go of limiting beliefs and old patterns you realign with the truth – that you’re more than enough. Because from this place, you’ll be in a better position to serve, give, and support the people around you, AND you’ll be able to receive more as well.
Opportunities, money, wellbeing, etc. (all forms of abundance) are natural by products of owning your worth. They can flow in with more ease as you open yourself up to receiving, or allowing more. You can give more wholeheartedly. You can connect with others on a deeper level.
Owning your worth is a sense, a knowing, a connection to your inherent worthiness. The truth that ‘I am deserving, enough, and loveable exactly as I am.’ It’s a feeling of peace. It’s a return to love. A surrendering to the push and pull of fear and lack.
Owning your worth is about claiming the truth that you are more than enough.
What does it feel like? Well, this is perhaps nuanced to each individual. It’s hard to put into words, yet you’ll know it when you feel it. It’s not loud. More like a quiet place of abundance. A release of the noise of the shoulds, the pressure, and the busy-ness of our external world, and an acceptance of your true power.
I want you to feel this feeling more often than fear so you can GIVE positivity through your actions and reactions. That’s what is within your control. The energy you show up with and how you react to whatever the world is giving you.
This is why I’m thrilled to invite you to join me monthly on the Third Thursday of every month for a free meditation!
I would love to offer you a few moments to pause, reflect, and reconnect to your highest self each month. To help in any small way I can to raise your vibration from fear to love. From lack to abundance. From doubt to worth.
In our monthly sessions we’ll explore themes like:
- self-love,
- connection to our inner knowing,
- forgiveness,
- clarity,
- breath work and more
I hope you’ll join me! All are welcome. This is an experiential time for you to get to know yourself on a deeper level. It’s a judgement free zone to connect to owning your worth. It’s not about doing something more, better, or right.
You’re invited to show up with an open mind to experience whatever it is that’s up for you that day, in that moment.
When you come together in a safe space with community, the positive benefits are amplified!
When you click “register” you’ll be brought to a recurring Google Calendar invite with Google Meet login details. You can add this recurring event directly to your own calendar to ensure you receive the monthly reminders. The Google Meet login will remain the same (be sure to have google meet installed on your computer).
Whether you feel like a “beginner” with meditation or if you have a deep practice, all are welcome. This is an experiential time for you to get to know yourself on a deeper level. It’s a judgement free zone to connect to owning your worth. It’s not about doing something more, better, or right.
You’re invited to show up with an open mind to experience whatever it is that’s up for you that day, in that moment. When you come together in a safe space with community, the positive benefits are amplified.
Feel free to share the invitation with anyone in your network who may benefit .
Cheers to owning and feeling your worth.